Love is Empowering

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Welcome to Fin’s World Dear Soul

Note to Soul – The timeless eternal call of love is an empowering call. A call that empowers the initiate through all the seven mansions unto unification. An empowering call that changes all things and for ever. In my previous life I was a professional engineer, strategist, troubleshooter, business start-up and recovery executive, author and much, much more. That was until my life was eventually and completely wrecked and turned upside down by 30+ years of systemic medical incompetence. A journey that commenced very early as a child that brought starkly into focus conflicts between the patterns of behaviour around me and those within me. Indeed a struggle to reconcile that which was being imposed upon me by the majority of mortals in my field of consciousness. Including my immediate and extending family, society, community and in particular the vile perverted nature of ignorant medics et al. Each one and all playing God with other mortals safety, security, prosperity and wellbeing. All of which further conflicted with my innate desire to inspire and empower anyone and everyone I met, loved or sort to help. Unlike my experiences with the former who sort only to cause harm. So and to the point and offer one example of this innate programming within me to empower and the conflict of self serving that appears to exist systemically and in every facet of society. Even as I battled with dreadful chaos all around me i.e. insolvency, loss, decimation of my career hopes and dreams, abandonment, betrayal, abuse, multiple complex disease states and inoperable neurological conditions. My desire to inspire and empower lovingly increased and implored me to document my journey. That no other soul should be forced to endure the scale of annihilation, isolation, turmoil and bewildering despair that I myself had endured. With one drive only. I’m going home soon, so this truth needs to birth now before I go. That being said; my books may not be to everyones liking. However for those mortals looking for a slightly different take on the root causes of illness and life in general, I believe my books could prove to be an invaluable source of soul inspiration. Therein if you’d like to explore my print and ebook listings you can do so via this embedded link My Self-Published Books.

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Love is; one in one of one.

Purification – Sacred Soul Mysteries

Illumination – Mystical Prayers

Unification – Kenosis is Love

Love is; one in one of one.

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“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” ~ Arthur Schopenhauer

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Note:- I Don’t Cure or Save, I Lovingly Empower

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Wholly, Holy Love is Mind, Body, Spirit in Soul

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