Love is Frequency

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Welcome to Fin’s World Dear Soul

Note to Soul – I was a graduate, post graduate and pilgrim of soul who awakened at six albeit my first conscious thought at circa three-ish was; “I wonder if all this is a dream and I will waken up from it”. No it wasn’t a dream in the greater part it was a nightmare such is the one who picks up his cross and walks. For; I’ve seen spirit since my earliest recollections and experienced multiple complex chronic and life threatening illnesses. I’ve moved energy with ease since I was a child and paid a grievous price for that which appears to be the way. Hated I’ve been, systematically abused have I been and on every conceivable front experiencing the very depths of mans inhumanity towards man. Sill rich are the rewards that await me and all those who choose the path of love and peace dear soul. For I’ve always chosen the path of inner empowerment and to love seeking peace. Therein; I’ve travelled, studied, worked and lived far and wide dear soul. In the process of acquiring, mastering and dropping many skills, many personas and many dreams and hopes too. Such is the journey of perpetual death and rebirth. I serve those who are seeking, I serve those who are dying, I pray with and for the awakening ones and likewise for those lost in their slumbers. My work is a joy amidst the sorrows that roar deep within. As I walk the great walk of walks back home through the inner planes of wholly, holy transmutation. For; love is the frequency of 528hz that burns deep in my heart. Poor in spirit I most assuredly am, mourn I truly do for the christos in man to be lovingly unleashed. Hunger and thirst for truth and righteousness is the call from my inner-verse. Seeker of peace and peace maker I have been, I am. Persucuted I have been, still merciful and forgiving is my calling. Pure in heart I am most assuredly not, for sinner I am. That was and is the power of love in all its eternal glory which birthed an unknown depth of courage to serve and tell my story through my Self-Help, Self-Published Books. All of which I wrote 2007 in a south London internet cafe as I battled for life and back from decades of overt medical abuse. Indeed a broken bag of bones filled only with innate love. That is the frequency of love dear soul. To serve, to evolve and lovingly aspire to live truly and wholly within the golden rule i.e. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” That is changing lives in loves frequency.

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Love is; one in one of one.

Purification – Sacred Soul Mysteries

Illumination – Mystical Prayers

Unification – Kenosis is Love

Love is; one in one of one.

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“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” ~ Arthur Schopenhauer

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Note:- I Don’t Cure or Save, I Lovingly Empower

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Wholly, Holy Love is Mind, Body, Spirit in Soul

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