Love is Knowing

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Welcome to Fin’s World Dear Soul

Note to Soul – Love is knowing that we know nothing about anything even though the one in one of one knows that they are love. Confused? Well allow me to elaborate. As spirit in soul we know that we are love. However as spirit in soul in mortal existing in a state of separation. We can give way to delussion and think that we know everything seeing love as a weakness. Many choose that lazy option for the finite rewards can seem great. Some on the other side of the scales of karma or as divine providence would often times ordain. Are frequently implored through perhaps trial or spontaneous samadhi. To pause and explore the reality of their experiential experiences. Very often because of a dawning disconnect deep within between what they once thought and knew amidst an arising of greater innate awareness towards that which is. Now for the hero that may well be the commencement of the fracturing of the chrysalis that brings about the fall that leads to the kenosis of emptying. Ironically however and for those not up for their heroes journey it may just be the opening of a trap door leading them into the bowels of their inner bardos. The result of both states is thus; the sleeper retains the deluded belief of all knowingness. Whereas the hero awakens in intial terror and excitement that they know nothing and so their journey begins. A journey and state of being that requires only reunification between heart in mind and mind in heart. From and through which knowing of light and knowing of love is reborn through love and light in each and every unifying moment. At which point that which truly is, is; downloaded and channeled effortlessly and that which is not is surrendered effortlessly likewise. That is the path and the journey of one seeking the one in one of one. Embodying the very essence of knowing nothing and being nothing through which everything is lovingly born, dies and is reborn anew from love.

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Love is; one in one of one.

Purification – Sacred Soul Mysteries

Illumination – Mystical Prayers

Unification – Kenosis is Love

Love is; one in one of one.

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“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” ~ Arthur Schopenhauer

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Note:- I Don’t Cure or Save, I Lovingly Empower

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Wholly, Holy Love is Mind, Body, Spirit in Soul

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