Awakening To Timelessness

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Note to Soul – Awakening is not complicated but it does require a state of consciousness that innately opens hearts. That is Love not delusion. A state that looks closely at patterns, symbols, numbers and rhetoric that displays deception in full view. Indeed insanity portrayed as sanity is always flushed out when the spirit in soul in mortal awakens. Indeed that is the birthing point of a light body consciousness e.g. when planet soul is fatuously locked down by the mantras and demands of that which cares not for soul et al.

But why do such shifts happen? Well the answer is simple and its because love is truth and when falsity rocks mortalities understandings to its very core via deceit, illness subjugation, fear and control based abuses, hate, lies, betrayal and multilayered crimes against soul divinity. Big consciousness shifts happen innately heralding cycle ending changes via an individual, group or collective metanoia. That is divinity in flow experiencing through spirit in soul in mortal. And precisely why those predestined to awaken, awake and those sleeping remain fast asleep. A timeless eternal journey where the former escapes time through divine will and the latter remains time fixed until the soul timing is ripe and soul consciousness expands. Its really not complicated dear soul, its a sole choice for all is simply divinity in flow experiencing pure love and love in dissonance in perfected polarity manifest.

Soul Service – I was called from birth and through ordeal to become a spirit in soul sentinel. My role; protecting the holy light from all that is unholy. Long has been my journey and much have I suffered. Still I serve for that is the role that was chosen for me, read more here.

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Love is; one in one of one.

Purification – Sacred Soul Mysteries

Illumination – Mystical Prayers

Unification – Kenosis is Love

Love is; one in one of one.

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“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” ~ Arthur Schopenhauer

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”He Chose to Suffer For Love, Thats Why Jesus is My Teacher, Role Model, Lord and Saviour.” ~ Fin

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