Free The Bee, Free Your Soul

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Welcome to Fin’s World Dear Soul

In Heart, In Soul, Love Dear Soulyes love dear soul with all of your being. In the midst of your joys and life’s inevitable sorrows. Love dear soul with all of your being. For when you do you will truly awaken. Thereafter you will know that you are not a mortal but in truth illuminated spirit in soul. How do I know? Well long story short. I incarnated into absolute ignorance, prejudice and dissonance and as I mimicked that which I was shown. Greater became my sorrow for none yes none of it resonated with me. Therein allow me to elucidate a little allegory for you dear soul. As a child I observed my parents, my siblings, my peers and my extended family for clues and cues unto how I must act e.g. the little bee. It was the custom amongst those I incarnated into to see everything as a threat and something to be destroyed. O the irony boy did they enjoy trying to annihilate me, but I digress, back to the bee.

“I know nothing, I am nothing, I seek nothing, I choose love.” ~ Fin

Every time a bee, a hornet or fly entered our home wallop. It and they were summary splattered with a rolled up news paper. What’s more great glee was taken from that act of gross abomination. There was never even a thought to open a window and free that little soul. Nope, said perpetrator had violated some unwritten cosmic law and therein it was only right that it must be annihilated. I as you would expect bought into the acts of my teachers and so as a rite of passage it became my turn to perform that grisly act. As I did so great tension arose deep, deep within me as I approached the intruding bee. Followed immediately by the ceremonial glee at the point of it’s horrendous and wicked demise. But then to my complete bewilderment I became overwhelmed with grief at the sheer horror of my merciless deed. Thereafter I was ridiculed without mercy for enquiring why and crying over what I’d just done. I didn’t understand at that tender age of five that I was awakened and not in the tone, frequency or vibration of my birth family. Albeit I would pay very, very dearly for that as my journey unfolded.

Still there is and was great learning to be gained for me in making such a journey. You see; if you can kill the bee, you can kill the son and if you can kill the son you can kill the man. If you can kill the man you can kill the family and if you can kill the family you can kill the whole town. Now once you’ve killed the whole town you can surely kill the country, thereafter its easy peasy to kill multiple countries. Now when all said and done dear soul if you can kill many countries why stop there surely you can kill the planet and then what is there left to kill dear soul? Well the holy answer is that we’re not here to kill dear soul we are here to love. Yes I know its not easy to love when life is harsh and those who cannot love do all manner of evil against us. But you can love if you truly try although that requires letting go of fear and hate, for there is no other way. Therein; take heart and embrace love dear soul. Free the bee and free yourself. Take tiny loving steps everyday. Learn to love with all of your being knowing truly that you are in this lowly world but not of it. See the bee in everyone and everything, empower and inspire your brothers and sisters to be all they can be. Trust that you are immortal dear soul and that all actions carry with them karmic consequences. Therein; breathe and fear not. Love unconditionally and truly know that the one who wrote this loves you unconditionally. Thereafter and in closing I pray that all your joys may be great and all your sufferings may be light and that free is your heart to love unconditionally. For this is a harsh journey dear soul unto loving harmonic balance. Indeed a journey through the abyss of hatred and violence seeking the love that truly transcends all things inwardly and outwardly. Spirit in soul doing precisely what spirit in soul is designed to do i.e. uplift, empower and inspire all souls unto loves holy liberation.

”We are slowed down sound and light waves, a walking bundle of frequencies tuned to the cosmos.” ~ Albert Einstein

That said I invite you now to explore the life and the book of this man. Raphael’s Legacy battling for the right to life was my first self help book and you can purchase a copy here. In truth and please note this book was written in an internet cafe in south london. Not an exercise in vanity but an exercise in love for despite my insanely poor health and prognosis. My soul pulled out all the stops to ensure this book was written that no other soul should have to endure the depth of abuse and suffering that I’d been through up to that time circa 2007-8. A four plus decade journey through the abyss of obscene hatred, loss, unrelenting abuse, illness and attack so dark that the light all but blinded me. Such is the power of love dear soul that nowt but love can heal. For that is the eternal sacred journey of soul. Please note dear soul that this documented journey was simply the journey of soul through purification. Deeper and much greater suffering arose through the decades of illumination unto unification. Books that will only be published when I am no more spirit in soul in mortal. Amen

Soul Service – I was called from birth and through ordeal to become a spirit in soul sentinel. My role; protecting the holy light from all that is unholy. Long has been my journey and much have I suffered. Still I serve for that is the sole role that was chosen for me as a spirit in soul philanthropist and sentinel read more here.

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Love is; one in one of one.

Purification – Sacred Soul Mysteries

Illumination – Mystical Prayers

Unification – Kenosis is Love

Love is; one in one of one.

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Seekers Contact Form

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” ~ Arthur Schopenhauer

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”He Chose to Suffer For Love, Thats Why Jesus is My Teacher, Role Model, Lord and Saviour.” ~ Fin

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