The Hard Love of Letting Go

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Note to Soul – one day divine love will awaken within the yearnings of every spirit in soul in mortal. Thereafter every mortal will know innately that they’re not a doctor, plumber, artist, engineer, victim, freedom fighter, woman or man. Indeed they will truly know that neither they nor those whom they meet are Hindu, Saracen, Hebrew or infidel et al., but souls having a spirit in soul in mortal experience. That is why the hardest love of all is to let go of mammons delusions. For their grip is vice like as are their toxic and insipid self-serving inclinations and self-limiting intoxications. Still there are those who will rise to that hard love call to let go and yet many too who upon answering that call will immediately fall as the rigours unfold. For the hard love call to let go and trust implicitly in soul is a walk in faith alone as old worlds fall. Still you will know such souls not by their words or their posturing towards causes that may at any point take center stage. No you will know them by their fruit. Wounded but not scarred, humbled but not broken, wise but not arrogant, peaceful but not passive. Yes you will know the ones who truly know the rigours of the walk of hard love. Until then dear soul hypocrisy, whataboutery, hate and inhumanity in the name of creed, race, politics, land and money etc, will reign supreme in the chattering ramblings of the fast asleep. So pray dear soul with all of your being that all will awaken and rebirth soul daily. For it is our rite as spirit in soul in mortal to sweep our karmic leaves from our path, sprinkling our diamonds and lighting the way for others by day and night. For that is the true power of the; one in one of one who is undergoing transcendental kenosis. That is the great catharsis of unravelling the one driven to do which gives birth to the one in one of one who knows and who is still amidst no-thing. Indeed the one in one of one who leans into love unreservedly and in doing so rebirths soul daily. Indeed the one who lovingly serves in the eternal language and freqency of light in spirit in body. That is the call of the hard love of letting go to gain all. That is the theosis of kenosis in oneness. A journey that sits complementary within the chaos of emptying in a state of calmness. Indeed the transmutation of old patterns, people, places, homes, relationships, careers, finances, wounds and attachments to the unreality of mortality back into love. Thereafter tears flow, minds implode and explode as hearts are crushed into wholly, holy expansiveness. Yes letting go is the wholly, holy hard love that transforms every soul. But that requires a profound metanoia through which the hard love of letting go truly manifests peace on earth good will towards all. Not a dream but a reality born out of a higher consciousness, i.e. the light consciousness frequency of love. A state born out of silence that is not drawn to or enthralled by the acts of shadow, but still amidst chaos in wholly, holy calmness. In essence a state that requires not spiritual by-passing or fatuous awareness through plant medicine et al. No the holy truth is that; conscious alignment requires no-thing within everything which is love.

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Love is; one in one of one.

Purification – Sacred Soul Mysteries

Illumination – Mystical Prayers

Unification – Kenosis is Love

Love is; one in one of one.

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“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” ~ Arthur Schopenhauer

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My Three R’s are; Raguel, Raphael, Regulus.” ~ Kenosis is Love

”He Chose to Suffer For Love, Thats Why Jesus is My Teacher, Role Model, Lord and Saviour.” ~ Fin

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