Soul When You Awaken Spirit

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Welcome to Fin’s World Dear Soul

Soul When You Awaken Spirit – you had better get ready to do a whole lot of suffering dear soul. When you awaken you had better get ready to let go of everything and everyone dear soul. When you awaken you had better get ready to feel alone, abandoned, poor in spirit, slandered, isolated, depressed, stressed, ridiculed, attacked and chronically ill and unwell dear soul. Because all the bull shit, all the patterns and all your karmic and ancestral trauma is going to hit the fan. Thereafter you will be robbed, tricked and lead astray by a vast array of low vibrational, low spiritual and low emotional intelligent beings. Before you begin to feel at ease again upon this immensely lowly and hostile plane. For the divinely orchestrated call of soul to awaken is the unfoldment of a growing spirit in soul in mortal undergoing a truly profound epiphany and metanoia. An evolving process so ghastly and so transformative that you will never ever be the same again. For as you reawaken deeper into divine and eternal truth your tolerance of tricksters, hypocrites, narcissists and those fast asleep will become absolutely zero. Why is this so? Because at this stage of the journey consciousness has already truly begun working through not focusing upon the spec in another’s eye but has begun the clearing process of removing the log from its own eye. For that which we see in others that troubles us greatly is that which we must transmute into balance within our own being. As such; there is no resentment, bitterness, angst or anger within the rebooted awakening one. For its all simply a step change in perception and the cutting free of the insanity which serves not any soul. Thereafter the awakening one seeks and assimilates wholly peace which is an innate state that loves and serves free of attachment dear soul. All amidst a state of existential crisis that rises with great ferocity and foreboding before giving way eventually through deep inner purification to much greater knowing and the rebirth of spirit in soul. Still know that many are called but few are chosen as loving spirit in soul in mortal isn’t easy. For this is a truly humbling journey that strips every mortal bare and all that their spirit in soul in mortality be forged anew into authentic humility. Not an act and persona arising from some self-serving and corrupting egoic need. But a state of being acquired through divine soul works of surrender, shadow work and purification leading to the death of the old. Indeed one in one of one balanced, grateful and always willing to continue the eternal sacred journey of soul work. Indeed one in one of one committed to living and serving wholly in the golden rule fully cognisant that they are in this world but not of this world. For; Muskhil Badi Tu hai Kaha dear soul ~ there is a lot of trouble, where are you? are you hiding or present? are you running for cover or holding the space? are you hating of loving? are you taking or serving? These are the questions that only a seeking soul can answer authoritatively and authentically. As such when you truly look upon my face (not I but collective), into my eyes, listening to my voice in connecting heart to soul in spirit in soul with me. You will know the serenity, humility and eternal integrity of love if love is the absolute frequency. For love is no shrinking violet dear soul. You see; love is a warrior of spirit in soul seeking holy truth and unification innately. Indeed a painfully gracious ordeal and process of growing up spiritually and emotionally et al. All part of the authentic rebirthing of spirit in soul in mortals who stand in their power and bid farewell from inner peace to idiotic medics, morally bankrupt and incongruent societal and financial governance, discriminatory multiculturalism, victim mentalities, tribalism, woke and new age seperational and control rationalism. For flawed one dimensional and attached tribal egoic thinking makes no sense. You see; spirit in soul in mortals are not interested in games, politics, religion or cults, they seek truth and are committed wholly to growing up and evolving upon every level. Indeed spirit in soul in mortals are always actively and passively engaged in identifying, transmuting and transcending their own inner wounds and limitations. All part of truly loving and serving spirit in soul unreservedly. Not for status, recognition or reward but because thats what spirit in soul is here to do. For loving and serving spirit in soul is loves sacred journey of spirit in soul. Indeed dialectic light, magnetism and electricity in flow. That is spirit in soul not matter dear soul, not mammon, all is but eternal consciousness in soul. An eternal unfolding of consciousness wakening up, growing up, clearing up for life is wakening up, growing up, clearing up i.e. integral model Ken Wilber. Therein if you choose to bypass the clearing up shadow work and purification. The net result is a lack of integrity and authenticity and an arrested consciousness development. Which is why we frequently see upon this lowly plane many spiritual gurus and teachers et al., abusing their position sexually and financially. So be ever mindful dear soul and choose your teachers wisely dear soul as your spirit in soul awakening unfolds. Grounded always in knowing that you alone are responsible for your spirit in soul in mortal awakening, growing and clearing. Therein do not give your divine sovereignty to anyone. For when you choose to die before you die, you will come to know experientially that you cannot die even when your senses tell you that your body is dying for its finite and must die. That is the point when the peace that passes all understanding enters your very being and you radiate unconditional acceptance and love. For you are unconditional acceptance and love eternal dear soul. That is spirit in soul awakened. Still please familiarise yourself dear soul and reader with the teachings of Elizabeth Kubler Ross, Ken Wilber, Evelyn Underhill, St John of the Cross and St Teresa of Avila et al. For this wakening up, growing up and clearing up journey requires truly profound courage, patience and a deep understanding of that which is unfolding in spirit in soul in mortal. For such is the depth of transformation imbued within this cosmic sacred journey that it shatters all egoic world views. You see; a critical mass arises deep, deep within the tectonic plates of the spirit in soul in mortal. Which fractures and opens the heart, body, mind connective consciousness to absolute loving cosmic realities. Which in turn propels a massive shift in both the I and the collective. Thereafter the holy sage is reborn, as is the self healer and awakening truth seeker in spirit in soul in mortal.

Do You Know – you are eternal dear soul and no-thing nor any-one can change that save for God. How do I Fin know that? Well two near death experiences, multiple outer body experiences, far to many demonic attacks, multiple walk-ins, multiple episodes of soul fragments leaving me. My childhood home was haunted, my entire childhood was dominated by multilayered abuse which was mirrored throughout my adult life in the form unresolvable illness, narcissistic attack, loss, struggle, chaos, poverty, homelessness, betrayal, abandonment, slander and ridicule all driven by unrelenting hate and on top of all that I’ve been moving energy and seeing spirit from very early childhood. All amidst unfathomable episodes of illumination and divinely ochestrated love from complete strangers. An unfolding life that modern commentaries refer to as a Chosen One albeit I feel better at ease with the gnosis of evolving as spirit in soul. A journey that cut through all the low hanging fruit of inculcated fear based religion and hate driven by narcissism and low emotional intelligence in search of wholly, holy loving truth. Indeed a truly torrid and lonely journey through the abyss through which I truly came to understand that love not hate is the only way. For truly I implore you dear reader to always stay in your personal power knowing that love never harms, therein; “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them.” ~ Matthew 7:15-20 KJV.

Soul Service – I was called from birth and through ordeal to become a spirit in soul sentinel. My role; protecting the holy light from all that is unholy. Long has been my journey and much have I suffered. Still I serve for that is the role that was chosen for me, read more here.

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Love is; one in one of one.

Purification – Sacred Soul Mysteries

Illumination – Mystical Prayers

Unification – Kenosis is Love

Love is; one in one of one.

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“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” ~ Arthur Schopenhauer

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”He Chose to Suffer For Love, Thats Why Jesus is My Teacher, Role Model, Lord and Saviour.” ~ Fin

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